Japan, Day 7, Tokyo

| August 22, 2014

Did I mention that I’ve been fighting a sore throat since Hiroshima? I went to 7-11 and saw a little bottle similar to those 5 hour energy drinks that said Vitamin C, Lemon, 1000mg. I picked it up and drank it. It was like lemonade except not as sweet. Anyway, my sore throat is gone […]

Japan, Day 6, Nara

| August 21, 2014

Woke up early again to work on the Day 4 blog.  I’d like to try to get caught up at the end of each day but there just isn’t enough time.  Further, I have been typing the blog on my trusty iPad, so it takes me longer to type. The temples here are large and […]

Japan, day 5, Kyoto

| August 20, 2014

There are vending machines everywhere selling water, beer, soda, energy drinks, etc.  You drink one and then look for a place to put it and you find there are no trash cans.  In the states this would give free reign to those who would litter.  Here it means you carry around trash for hours.  I’m […]

Japan. Day 4, Osaka

| August 19, 2014

I woke up at 2AM and started writing my blog for Day 2.  I updated the schedule so that it would be ready to review with Wolfgang when he awoke.  I also sent to John per his request since he would be joining us in Kyoto on Tuesday night and essentially be embedded with us […]

Japan Day 3, Hiroshima

| August 18, 2014

I have been getting up every day around 2-230 AM.  Still, I have been managing to get about 6 hours/day which keeps me running well enough.  This allows me time to write my blog post while Wolfgang is still sleeping. I used Hotels.com to book most of my rooms here.  I tried to find the […]

Japan Day 2

| August 17, 2014

Woke up at 3A and started getting organized for the day while Wolf was sleeping.  Besides, I was wide awake.  It gets light very early here which also throws one off.  We packed 3 days worth of clothes and our necessary items into our backpacks and headed down to check out.  We had our bags […]

Japan Day 1 (part two)

| August 17, 2014

I have seen some of the craziest heels here…Natalie and Wendy Miller would love it!  But I digress.  After arriving at the Hotel Metropolitan we had some time to kill before meeting My friend John and his wife for dinner.  We walked around the block.  There were loud buzzing sounds coming from the trees.  Wolfgang […]

Japan, Day 1, Tokyo

| August 16, 2014

Even the plane ride was different.  First, it was real hard on my backside.  I managed to watch 3 movies en route, including The Monuments Men, Chef (huge Favreau fan ever since Swingers) and probably my 5th watching of 50 First Dates just because I like Drew Barrymore.  I flew United and they fed us […]