Japan – My Top Five

| January 18, 2015

I loved everywhere I went in Japan, but I thought I would post my top five favorites in the event anyone is planning a trip.  Granted, these are my top five, but I think it would be hard not to enjoy them irrespective of your particular sentiment. 1.  Kinkaku-ji, Kyoto, Japan. There is a gravel […]

Japan Travel Tips

| January 6, 2015

DISCLAIMER:  these are our travel tips (Wolfgang and I).  They are not meant to be exhaustive.  We had never been to Japan before, so these should help you if you are going to Japan for the very first time. 1.  A yen is roughly equal to a penny depending of course on the exchange rate.  100 […]

Japan, Day 10, Tokyo and Home

| January 3, 2015

We woke up early and packed.  Then we met Mark Warchol, a friend of mine from Rotary.  A few years ago both Mark and I were in Rotary.  He moved to a different club in the Austin area and I left when I needed to focus on completing my MBA.  Mark is an engineer and […]

Japan, Day 9, Tokyo

| January 3, 2015

There is so much I’ve forgotten since I started posting.  I waited too long to finish and the details are what makes these blogs somewhat interesting, or so I’ve been told.  I’ll give it a try anyway. Today was going to be our last full day in Tokyo.  I didn’t sleep any better.  I watched […]

Japan, Day 8, Kamakura

| December 15, 2014

Woke up at 4AM and wrote blog for Day 6. I woke up Wolfgang at 6A. I think John had told me that Tokyo was known for its French toast. I turned to handy dandy Google and lo and behold, the Orchid Room, a restaurant located in Hotel Okura where we were staying, was supposed […]

Japan, Day 7, Tokyo

| August 22, 2014

Did I mention that I’ve been fighting a sore throat since Hiroshima? I went to 7-11 and saw a little bottle similar to those 5 hour energy drinks that said Vitamin C, Lemon, 1000mg. I picked it up and drank it. It was like lemonade except not as sweet. Anyway, my sore throat is gone […]

Japan, Day 6, Nara

| August 21, 2014

Woke up early again to work on the Day 4 blog.  I’d like to try to get caught up at the end of each day but there just isn’t enough time.  Further, I have been typing the blog on my trusty iPad, so it takes me longer to type. The temples here are large and […]

Japan Day 3, Hiroshima

| August 18, 2014

I have been getting up every day around 2-230 AM.  Still, I have been managing to get about 6 hours/day which keeps me running well enough.  This allows me time to write my blog post while Wolfgang is still sleeping. I used Hotels.com to book most of my rooms here.  I tried to find the […]

Japan Day 2

| August 17, 2014

Woke up at 3A and started getting organized for the day while Wolf was sleeping.  Besides, I was wide awake.  It gets light very early here which also throws one off.  We packed 3 days worth of clothes and our necessary items into our backpacks and headed down to check out.  We had our bags […]

Japan Day 1 (part two)

| August 17, 2014

I have seen some of the craziest heels here…Natalie and Wendy Miller would love it!  But I digress.  After arriving at the Hotel Metropolitan we had some time to kill before meeting My friend John and his wife for dinner.  We walked around the block.  There were loud buzzing sounds coming from the trees.  Wolfgang […]